Employee engagement is a hot topic these days. Everyone can understand the benefits of having an engaged group of employees. You know who they are! Folks who come in early, eager to begin the day! Bristling with enthusiasm and energy! They are eager to take on new projects and show initiative.
Most of the articles written on this topic are from the point of view of what steps employers need to take to reengage their staff and to hire and retain top talent. The ideas are fantastic and certainly could motivate someone! However, what happens if your employer didn’t get the memo? Are you just stuck waiting for your boss to get on board and make you a super star?
Consider another option. Consider reaching over from the passenger seat and grabbing hold of the steering wheel and getting in the driver’s seat of your career and work life ! What’s in for me you may ask? Why should I care about this? These are great questions!
So many people are struggling to find meaning or value in their work.Or they are stuck in a job that is not their dream, but they feel there are no options to make a change at this time. Because work takes up so much time and energy, workplace problems often carry over into the rest of our lives.
There is good news and bad news! The good news is that you can take control right now, even if your employer doesn’t change! How empowering is that? The bad news is that you are taking responsibility for your personal happiness and feelings of self worth. No excuses, no blaming! Be prepared to move beyond your comfort zone. Be prepared for this process to initially be challenging and maybe anxiety producing!
So what are some of these strategies for self empowerment that you can consider trying? Here are a few steps you can take to
get in the driver’s seat!
– Banish ambivalence! Become intentional about getting engaged. Make the decision that this is a personal value for you.
– Ask yourself “What is within my control? Focus your energy and efforts on what you can control. So much of our dissatisfaction with our work comes from focusing on rumors, on what others are doing that doesn’t really affect us, or taking on someone else’s cause. Focus on your job, your world!
– Develop a positive attitude even when others are not! Maybe you can’t change the world but you CAN make YOUR world great! Focus on being the best you
can, doing your best, and bringing out the best in others. Tune out everything you can’t control.
– Stop complaining! It makes you feel worse. Complaining actually reinforces negative thoughts. Plus, it doesn’t solve anything. In addition, people around you begin to perceive
you as negative and disgruntled. If you must vent, write it in a journal and move
– Surround yourself with optimists. Hang out with people who have a positive outlook. Avoid those who bring you down or want to commiserate!
– There is a saying “Grow where you are planted”. If you approach your current work with this mindset you will create very positive conditions for your personal growth.